Its the year of the pig. My year. I waited for all the the other animals to pass and finally say to myself that this is my year! Well, as of now, that is yet to be seen. Last year, the year of the dog was pretty good for me. I just hope my own year is better. :)
So I have been continuously looking for work now. Its so hard to find an honest to goodness job. There are just a lot of variables to take note of. And finally, the incessant question that keep haunting me, How much is the pay? I can honestly say that I am just simply looking for a job where I can learn a lot. A job that is career-wise fulfilling. A job that could set my career path straight. Well I'm still on the process of finding one. I just hope that come April I'm already working. Being 23 and jobless doesn't suit me well. Anxiety issues.
I had a job interview last week. Something bothered me. the way he kept asking personal questions about my family, my lovelife and other stuffs. It's unfair because I prepared for a formal business interview. Talk about over-preparing, if there is even a term. I feel so unfulfilled. I really want to just nudge my life forward a little. Just to get things started.
And so, here I am again looking and looking and still looking for that job. I just hope that job finds it way to me. Anyway, some pictures to get this blog started.

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