Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friday the 13th took a toll on me

I never believed in myths. or in scary superstitions. Sure I would take precautions if there is nothing to lose but I was not one to alter my schedule and life plans just for stupid and baseless beliefs. But then again.. yesterday was probably the worst day of my life and it might just be coincidence that it was friday the 13th but I just can't help but think.. is it baseless after all?

It wasn't much the events that took place but the timing of all it. First of all, I woke up feeling a sore part of my left jaw. I told my mom about it the night before but she shrugged it off by thinking that it was just a muscle pain. My aunt took one look at it and told me I had mumps. MUMPS? as in the mumps sickness that we were all supposed to get a vaccine shot when we were kids. In fact, researched it over the internet and found out that it is actually prevalent in kids. The facts about it were true, it is really painful.

But the fact that I had mumps was nothing. The thing is... I am missing a lot because of this sickness. First, it is Nicole's birthday today and I can't even approach her because she is still a baby. Having a contagious disease affect a small one would probably break my heart even more than the fact that I could not hold and play with her. Its actually funny ironic because I just posted an entry about the fact that she is the only person that is giving me happiness now. They're even going to splash island tomorrow and it was planned that I was coming with them. Life really sucks

Its my cousin's first ever miting de avance. After helping her with the preparations. I could not even go there.

Another thing, I was not able to go to school yesterday and claim my class cards. It was the only time that a student can have grades changed. Turns out I had average grades which was bad because I had the highest grades in class.

Finally, I had a job interview request that I received thru email and text 3 hours after the appointment.

I'm thinking there must be some sort of sign or message over all this events but I just hope that I figure it all out.

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