Friday, May 25, 2007

meet my japanese friends!

So what's keeping me busy? Well, since I have been waiting for feedbacks on my job applications, I have been looking for stuff to do to keep me busy. I have been a little pro-active with my job hunting since I started sending out thank you letters and giving follow-up calls to companies that I applied for. So far, its the only thing that would actually make me positive about all this.

So anyway, since I have no definite schedule, the free time is driving me crazy! I have probably watched most American t.v. show series. My old DVD player is already broken probably because of overuse - I really think that it overheated. And ever since it was replaced by a new one when I sent it for repair, I became very cautious in using it. And so I try to be balance my time between internet surfing, dvd watching, tv watching, taking care of Nicole so that my time would be too preoccupied that I would not have any free time to be frustrated.

Imagine how happy I am to know that the anime shows I have been watching since college, Bleach and Naruto are back with new episodes! When I was graduating both shows were only showing fillers. For non-anime watchers, fillers are episodes which are not featured in the manga/ comics. Basically, what they show are not really very relevant to the plot more like stories that explain some things or focus on some characters characteristics. That sounded redundant. So anyway, I'm posting some pictures of the shows' characters.
Here are my two favorite characters.

And for Naruto, they have the new shippuden or hurricane chronicles.. the main characters grew a bit after a few training supposedly.. My favorite character is Neji, the long haired guy that is second from the left on the picture.

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