Tuesday, June 12, 2007

6 weird things about me

I've been tagged by Jemme! .

These are the Rules:

1.Each player of this game starts with 6 weird/random unknown things about him/herself.
2.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 things as well as state the rules clearly.
3. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. The left side of my face is my camera/ picture angle.

2. I'm constantly haunted by my long-term high school crush in my dreams.

3. My secret ambition is to become Donald Trump's next apprentice.

4. My left eye is kirat whenever I smile.

5. I look forward to having children more than marrying someone. (Boyfriend muna!)

6. I play dirty when people deserve it. (Hahaha!)

6 people :

norbs, camzi, mel, tera, cygnet & lupe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait! wait! i want this!

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