This post is dedicated to my father, I have listed 64 reasons why he is the best for me! Why 64? read on..
1. He never forgets to put money in my bag every Monday morning. (when I was still in school)
2. . He learned to drink medicine for me. (Both my parents were required by the doctor since they were having a hard time in conceiving a baby)
3. He promised my mom to dedicate his life for my welfare.
4. He tries to prepare my lunch even if he doesn't know how to cook.
5. He is a simple man.
6. He loves me unconditionally.
7. He never asks for anything in return.
8. He tries to shut down the computer when I'm in a hurry to leave even if he doesn't know how.
9. He buys me sanitary napkins during emergency times even if he admits the saleslady laughs at him.
10. He never preferred me to be a boy. (you know those father-son stuff!)
11. Never in my whole life had he hurt me physically, emotionally or spiritually.
12. He doesn't want me to lose weight because he's afraid that I'd have a bofyfriend.
13. He waited for me outside school so that we could go home together.
14. He accompanied me to watch a sappy movie.
15. He always listens to any kwento that I have.
16. He's the only person that I truly enjoy watching basketball with.
17. He keeps the letter from
18. He has supported me with everything I do.
19. He always supplies me with internet cards. (when I was still using dial-up, now he pays for DSL)
20. He always gives me money even if he doesn't have much.
21. He tells me the latest news about current events, news and even chismis!
22. He calls me in my cellphone often times just to hear my voice.
23. He buys me flowers during Valentines Day.
24. He asked for the Cable company to greet me on their channel during my birthday.
25. He buys me street foods such as isaw, barbeque and ice candy.
26. He never complains when I ask him to bring me to my cousin's house.
27. He always checks if I'm already sleeping.
28. He would always open the door for me if I go home late.
29. He'd wake up at 4am when I was in high school to make sure I am ready for my class.
30. He spoils me to the max!
31. I never felt that I am a failure because of him.
32. He eats menudo with bread.
33. HE DOES NOT SMOKE. (No offense to smokers, I just prefer a dad who doesn't)
34. He can make me calm when I am angry.
35. He gives me the remote control when I want to watch something on t.v.
36. He told me that he cannot imagine life without me.
37. He lets me use his phone to call and text my friends.
38. He keeps a picture of me of my first Communion during grade three in his wallet.
39. He knows when I steal chocolates from their room.
40. He opens the air-con switch for me always.
41. He goes with me outside the house if i have to buy something from 7-11
42. He buys pansit luglog (another type of palabok) and taho for breakfast.
43. He buys me my favorite shampoo and conditionerm regularly.
44. He lets me watch t.v. in their room even if he is already sleeping.
45. He carries my bag when it is heavy.
46. He carries the paper bags when my mom and i go shopping.
47. He never said "NO" to me.
48. He cleans my shoes when he sees dirt on it.
49. He fixes my night lamp when it's not working because he knows how much i love to read.
50. He does not pretend that he knows everything.
51. He is a constant reminder of the goodness of God.
52. He is not strict.
53. He trusts me completely.
54. He is known in our street as a very nice person.
55. He doesn't forget to exercise.
56. He eats as much as I do.
57. He has taught me real values.
58. He sacrificed a lot ever since he married and had a daughter.
59. He makes me feel like a princess.
60. He would separate articles from newspapers that he thinks would interest me.
61. He would buy me juices whenever I am going to eat.
62. He would drive me from
63. He would try incessantly to influence me to be healthy.
64. And lastly.. It's his birthday on June 25 plus its Fathers Day!
I know I don’t need any occasion for me to thank God that I have a father like you! Happy Fathers’ day and advance Happy Birthday! You are truly one of a kind. Thank you for being a good father and a good man. Love you so much!

Happy Father's Day Kuya Willy! Now that I'm writing it, why do I call your dad "kuya"? Anyway, he is really really good dad!
yeah! why do i call your dad tsong? hahaha!
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