Saturday, August 16, 2008

the evolution of my hair in 6 months..

It will be probably amazing to some people how I was able to change hairstyles at least once a month. I started with super long (boring) hair, my bangs started to grow and the only style I could do is put pins on my bangs to get it off my face.

My super long straight hair. (around Feb)

Got bored and chooped the bangs off for full bangs (May)
Full bangs grew and turned to side swept bangs and had soft curls. (July)
Had it chopped shoulder length, maintained the bangs. (July)
This is how it looks when it is blow dried or ironed. (July)
Had it rebonded again and settled for full bangs once again. (August)

I look like a sixth grader excited to go on a field trip on my last pic. Hehe. I realized looking at the months that I just pick on my hair so much within the last three months.

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